You can print it out and enlarge it to get it to lifesize. For a size large, the width of the crown (from side to side) should measure 23.8". The pattern below is the one that I used to make my top hat. The wave on the bottom of the crown is what gives the brim its distinctive curve. The first drawing shows the three pattern pieces (not to scale). Steampunk Leather Top Hat Tutorial I have received several requests for a tutorial on making my steampunk leather top hat, shown above, and so, here it is. We aim to democratize education by advocating community-generated content and assessment for every conceivable syllabus worldwide.

This applies to all students worldwide, regardless of the syllabus.

As a student, we practise exercises, do coursework and sit for exams. About Us Introduction Everyone is a student for a time period in one's life. It's vital to use good plywood for the gears. The method I use to make the gears for the box joint jig is the same as for the gears for the wooden router lift, but I'll focus on the ones for the box joint jig in this article. You can click on any image in this article to get a larger view. So I figured I'd cover the topic of gear making in a bit more detail.
How to make wooden gears This page also available in Spanish Some people are intimidated at the prospect of making their own wooden gears for the screw advance box joint jig. If you are talented in the design department, the process may start with drawing a rough diagram of what the finished clock is to look like. Where you start will depend on imagination and knowledge of clocks and what is possible-or seemingly impossible - but which you want to prove otherwise.

( ) From the picture, the general shape and size of the clock were guestimated, alterations identified, a motive force selected-in this case a 1 rpm motor, after which the gear train was designed to fit. Sometimes, as was the case with my Andrea electric desktop clock, the basic design comes from a picture seen on the web-in that case, one of John Pickron's clocks. But having received the question a number of times, I'll elaborate. Planetary gear ratio calculations This article also available in Spanish A question that I often get is how to work out planetary gears using the gear template generator Working out the tooth counts for planetary gears is actually not that complicated, so I initially neglected to mention how to do it. Some notes about gear design and this gear template generator This gear template generator generates shapes for involute spur gears. The gear generator program that I created and sell doesn't need the scale calibration, and can paginate across many pages for larger gears. Printing the gear templates To print the gear template, use the 'Print' button, instead of printing the web page from the browser. Use an ink jet printer I recommend using an ink jet printer. You can still access the old (pre 2015) Flash based gear geberator Getting the printout to scale correctly, avoiding cropping Different browsers print at different scales depending on browser type and printer configuration. Even cheap ink jet printers print very scale accurate but Not all laser printers are accurate. I recommend printing the gears with an ink jet printer.
This free online gear template generator is designed for making scale accurate paper gear templates which you can glue onto wood and then cut out with a bandsaw.